Breastfeeding is the process by which human breast milk is fed to a child. The American Academy of Paediatrics (AAP) and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists both highly advise breastfeeding exclusively for six months (without the use of formula, juice, or water). It suggests continuing to nurse during the infant's first year of life even after introducing other foods.
It takes practice to get the hang of breastfeeding. Many mothers worry about how well and how much their baby is eating, especially in the first few days. But once you get the hang of it, you'll probably discover that it's the simplest and most enjoyable way to feed your child.
Whether your infant prefers short, frequent meals or longer feedings will determine how frequently you should nurse. This will alter as your child gets older. Most new-borns desire to eat every two to three hours. By two months, babies typically eat every three to four hours, and by six months, most infants eat every four to five hours. You and your baby are unique, and the decision to breastfeed is up to you.
The primary source of nourishment for an infant is breast milk. During pregnancy, a woman's body begins to prepare to produce a new food source for her unborn child. Lactocytes, or milk-producing cells, begin to form in the fourth week of pregnancy. While pregnant, you may notice that your breasts are expanding, the amount of milk you make is determined by the tissues that generate milk. The cycle of milk production doesn't start until after your kid is born.
All of the vital elements, including proteins, minerals, and lipids, as well as water to keep the baby hydrated, are present in mother's milk. Breast milk is the "liquid gold" of life; it is not your typical food.
In addition to being specifically formulated for your baby, containing vitamins and minerals, and constantly being available, breast milk also gives protection from specific infections and contributes to your kid's long-term health. SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome), childhood diabetes, and leukaemia are among risks that are decreased by breastfeeding.
The benefits to a woman's health also increase with the number of months or years she breastfeeds.